Our Q2 Online Design Awards competition is complete and the level of creativity and innovation displayed by all participants has been inspiring. From captivating website designs to stunning graphic artistry and compelling user interfaces, each entry showcased the immense talent and dedication within our community.
These submissions have not only elevated the standards of design excellence but have also fostered a collaborative and supportive environment for those at all stages of their creative journey. While the Q2 competition has come to an end, the impact of these works will resonate far beyond the results.
To see more from the winners below visit the ODA Winners Showcase.
Online Design Awards Winners for Q2 2023:
A1 — Illustrations
D5 — Packaging Design
A captivating chocolate brand that draws inspiration from the creator’s Caribbean roots resulting in a unique and vibrant design. By skillfully combining illustrations and lively colors, the packaging exudes a distinct voice and offers a delightful showcase of the brand’s rich cultural influences.
B1 — Brand Identity
T2 — UI/UX Design
The rebrand and UI worksheets for the Snowflake data company were expertly crafted and done with meticulous attention to detail. This new look and user interface allows an even more user-friendly and flexible solution for Snowflake users.
B2 — Brand Collateral
An elegant brand that immerses guests into an enchanting vacation. Inspired by the harmonious fusion of Caribbean and French influences, the brand identity showcases tasteful shapes and forms that draw from the hotel’s typography and locations, setting the stage for a luxurious and comforting experience.
B4 — Brand Strategy
This approach to brand strategy encompasses not only their position as an estate winery and their commitment to quality but also carefully chosen warm hues that create a visually captivating and cohesive representation of the brand.
D2 — Publications
MO3 — Art Direction
A book that provides invaluable guidance throughout the publishing process, from inception to marketing. Through an intuitive format enriched with captivating graphics, each page offers a distinct experience. The incorporation of interactive workbook pages fosters hands-on learning and practical application, further enhancing reader engagement.
T1 — Website Design
T6 — Interactive Design
Diedra Bottle embodies the essence of elegance, simplicity, and cutting-edge technology. The website seamlessly reflects the bottle’s innovative nature and with a carefully crafted user experience, the site effortlessly guides visitors through the features and benefits of Diedra Bottle.
T3 — Mobile App Design
This mobile app design revolutionizes modern living, offering unparalleled convenience and an enhanced quality of life. In just a few clicks, residents can experience a whole new level of ease and enjoyment in their daily lives, making home management a breeze.
B1 — Brand Identity
Winamp’s brand identity underwent a transformation to match its iconic status as the world’s leading MP3 player and its aspiration to reposition itself in the multimedia audio distribution market. The new branding goes beyond the surface, reflecting Winamp’s commitment to embracing the future of digital media distribution.
D7 — Product Design
A product that addresses mobility challenges faced by individuals with foot drop and leg muscle weakness. Crafted from lightweight and breathable fabric and available in a range of attractive colors, the Neural Sleeve aims to instill a sense of pride in its wearers, standing apart from conventional sterile medical equipment.
MO4 — Digital Advertisements
This ad teases viewers with the allure of an island characterized by captivating beauty and genuine hospitality. It fully succeeds in uncovering the enigmatic charm that draws visitors back to Fourni time and time again.
MO2 — Storyboard Design
MO7 — Motion Graphics
This motion graphics video excels at simplifying a complex topic like web3, presenting it in a concise, engaging, and easily digestible format for a wide audience. The video effectively breaks down the intricacies of decentralized applications and their significance in the web3 ecosystem.
MO10–3D Animation
The animation for the Sihoo Ergonomic Chair presents an unparalleled experience, transforming the perception of ergonomic chair design. The animation and website itself meticulously illustrates the beauty and appeal of the product and engages users in the world of ergonomic excellence.
S1 — Non-Profits
MILO Space Institute is driven by a non-profit mission focused on education, aiming to enlighten the audience about its core values and purpose. Through this video, they share their remarkable accomplishments and the impactful contributions they’ve made in the field of space science. The video sheds light on the institute’s ambitious future goals, highlighting their commitment to advancing space research and inspiring the next generation of scientists and space enthusiasts.
S3 — Making a Difference
Power + Voice is an informational website that tackles the detrimental topic of the overturning of Roe v. Wade and compiles information, resources, and interviews in a guided user experience that allows the audience to leave well informed, moved, and likely speechless.
S4 — Social Good
We Are Demelza focuses on delivering extraordinary care to children facing severe or life-limiting conditions. The recent rebranding aimed to change perceptions, build recognition and grow impact for the next 25 years.The new logo introduces a friendly face to bring warmth and personality to the brand, supporting their goal of reaching more families, attracting care staff, and increasing fundraising efforts.
T1- Website Design
T6 — Interactive Design
The website design and interactive elements for Saints 150 Years project are aimed at elevating the St. Kilda Football Club’s global presence and reimagining the concept of a history website and timeline. The result is an immersive and continually expanding digital museum of the club’s remarkable journey over the years.
T2 — UI/UX Design
T3 — Mobile App Design
OPUS Soundbed’s UI/UX design and mobile app offer users a heart-soothing experience with vibroacoustic technology. The platform includes journeys, live experiences, guides, and a supportive community for emotional fitness.
A1 — Illustrations
CHOCOLA — Dunnecia Moore
B1 — Brand Identity
Snowflake Rebranding — Maxim Aginsky
B2 — Brand Collateral
The Dore Hotel — Dunnecia Moore
B4 — Brand Strategy
Vinerd — Selma Makui
D2 — Publications
Deja Huella — Konstantina Gavala
D5 — Packaging Design
CHOCOLA — Dunnecia Moore
MO3 — Art Direction
Deja Huella — Konstantina Gavala
T1 — Website Design
Diedra Bottle — Matteo Fabbiani
T2 — UI/UX Design
Snowflake Rebranding — Maxim Aginsky
T3 — Mobile App Design
Smart Residential Complex App — Aleksandr Volodkovich
T6 — Interactive Design
Diedra Bottle — Matteo Fabbiani
B1 — Brand Identity
FYR Diagnostics — Elissa Stanick-Woods
The Dore Hotel — Dunnecia Moore
T2 — UI/UX Design
Smart Residential Complex App — Aleksandr Volodkovich
B1 — Brand Identity
Iniciativas Digitales — Kiko París
Vinerd — Selma Makui
B2 — Brand Collateral
KIU Canadian Distribution — Alek von Felkerzam
Iniciativas Digitales — Kiko París
T1 — Website Design
Addison Marchese — Addison Marchese
FYR Diagnostics — Elissa Stanick-Woods
T2 — UI/UX Design
Addison Marchese — Addison Marchese
Dayblizz — Johanna Feick
MetdataWorks — Vanessa Phillips
T3 — Mobile App Design
Dayblizz — Johanna Feick
D11 — Architectural Design
Kalise Ice Box — Kiko Paris
MO3 — Art Direction
OOTS Creative Application — Stefan Joesler
B1 — Brand Identity
KIU Canadian Distribution — Alek von Felkerzam
D3 — Presentation & Document Design
OOTS Creative Application — Stefan Joesler
T1 — Website Design
MetdataWorks — Vanessa Phillips
B1 — Brand Identity
Winamp — La niche
D7 — Product Design
Cionic Neural Sleeve — fuseproject
MO2 — Storyboard Design
dApps Explainer Video — restUp Studio
MO4 — Digital Advertisements
Why Fourni — Vibrand
MO7 — Motion Graphics
dApps Explainer Video — restUp Studio
MO10–3D Animation
Sihoo Ergonomic Chair — Naturality Digital
S1 — Non-Profits
MILO Space Science Institute — ASU Enterprise Partners
S3 — Making a Difference
Power + Voice — Esquire Digital
S4 — Social Good
We Are Demelza — Catch A Fire Agency
T1- Website Design
Saints 150 Years — JTB Studios
T2 — UI/UX Design
OPUS Soundbed — fuseproject
T3 — Mobile App Design
OPUS Soundbed — fuseproject
T6 — Interactive Design
Saints 150 Years — JTB Studios
B1 — Brand Identity
We Are Demelza — Catch A Fire Agency
Why Fourni — Vibrand
T1 — Website Design
Power + Voice — Esquire Digital
T2 — UI/UX Design
Winamp — La niche
B1 — Brand Identity
BLU Boats — Vibrand
Warne — DigitlHaus
T1 — Website Design
Capable Marketing — WIX PRO
Sihoo Ergonomic Chair — Naturality Digital
T2 — UI/UX Design
Warne — DigitlHaus
MO3 — Art Direction
MILO Space Science Institute — ASU Enterprise Partners
T1 — Website Design
BLU Boats — Vibrand
Harvest Selection — The MediaGale LLC
T2 — UI/UX Design
Adventure Indonesia — Toffee International
Harvest Selection — The MediaGale LLC